#196: Netflix’s 13 ‘Reasons Why’ Did Lead To Suicide Increase

by Gregory
13 Reasons Why Did Lead To Suicide Increase

’13 Reasons Why’ Did Lead To Suicide Increase.  In this episode of Holistic Health News, Gregory discusses a new study showing a 30% increase in suicides amongst the youth, in particular tween and teenage boys, after the premiere of Netflix’s adolescent drama 13 Reasons Why. He also discusses the streaming networks blithe and cavalier attitude toward concerns from parents, school psychologist, and mental health professions about how this show could affect high-risk teenagers.

’13 Reasons Why’ Did Lead To Suicide Increase

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We have three podcasts in the Naturopathic Earth family. Holistic Health News (HHN) is the flagship feed which details with health news you don’t hear about in the mainstream news. We cover mostly clean eating/weight maintenance tips, medical malfeasance, and more.

Confessions of an Obese Child is the original podcast series which Gregory created in Jan 2017. Confessions details Greg’s childhood as a fat child, the interfamilial dynamics that led to it, his continual food addiction, and eventually how he lost the weight. (Read his post “How I Lost over 100 pounds and kept it off for 25 plus years.”) He also interviews other formerly obese kids.

Katie’s Essential Oil Apothecary deals with aromatherapy. In Season 1, she covered lemon, mint, frankincense, and lavender. Later, Gregory takes over to discuss overall EO information.

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