#199: Poor Diet’s Direct Link To Cancer Proven…Again!

by Gregory

Poor Diet’s Direct Link To Cancer

Poor Diet’s Direct Link To Cancer. In this episode, Gregory discusses a new government study relating what we have all known. Poor Diet’s direct link to cancer. In it, he retells how 80,000 Americans annually get cancer simply due to a poor diet. The study qualifies a poor diet as high in sugar, processed and red meat while low in grains, dairy, and fruits & veggies. Gregory attacks the low grains/dairy aspect of the study. Lastly, he reminds listeners how 80% of all deaths, including cancer, are due to lifestyle choices and that we must be accountable when (not if)a major malady befalls us.

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Buy Confessions of an Obese Child e-book on Amazon Kindle or B&N Nook for only $2.00. It is a great easy read about Greg’s experience growing up fat, the reasons which led to his disordered relationship with food, and ultimately how he lost the weight. Buy it today!


There are three podcasts in the NPE family. The flagship is Holistic Health News. It deals with a wide range of topics, mostly focusing on the deceit done by Big Business to keep us sick by the implementation of toxins in our food and home. We also focus on relationships, addictions, and overall obscure health topics.

Katie’s Essential Oil Apothecary deals with aromatherapy. In Season 1 she covered mint, frankincense, lavender, and lemon oils. In Season 2, Gregory takes over to cover rosemary, eucalyptus, and more.

Confessions of an Obese Child was the original podcast. The first 20 episodes deal with singular events that occurred to Gregory in his youth, like the Amusement Park, The Locker Room, The Opposite Sex. The later 20 episodes deal with post weight loss issues like Survivor’s Guild, Body Shaming, and purging the self-sabotaging coping mechanisms that developed.

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