Holistic Health News & Medical Conspiracies · #62: Quarantine Loneliness Exacerbated By Childhood Coping Mechanisms In this episode of Confessions of an…
In Confessions of an Obese Child #43, Gregory interviews 19-year-old Jimmy, a former overweight adolescent. In this episode we delve deep into…
- ArticlesConfessions of an Obese Child
How Being a Fat Kid Stopped Me From Turning to Alcohol/Drugs
by Gregoryby GregoryIn the podcast and e-book Confessions of an Obese Child, I have spoken about the trials and tribulations of growing up obese. …
- ArticlesConfessions Podcast
Obese Child #46: Take Accountability For Being Fat
by Gregoryby GregoryTake Accountability For Being Fat. It is hard for people to look in the mirror and take accountability for their actions. In…
- The Awakened Man
#164: 1/3 People Choose Depression, Divorce, Alcoholism, Arm Amputated Than Be Fat
by Gregoryby Gregory33% of Americans Choose Depression, Alcoholism, Arm Amputated Than Be Fat?! Are you serious? Gregory visits a decade-old study from Yale demonstrating…
- ArticlesConfessions Podcast
#42: 1 in 3 Choose Depression, Alcoholism, Lose 10 Years of Life Than Be Fat
by Gregoryby Gregory1/3 Choose Depression, Alcoholism, Lose 10 Years of Life Than Be Fat?! In Obese Child #42, Gregory discusses a decade-old study revealing…
In Obese Child #39, former obese child, Gregory, interviews another formerly overweight child, Debra. Debra talks about the reasons for her burgeoning…
- ArticlesConfessions Podcast
Obese Child #36: 27th Anniversary Of My Weight Loss
by Gregoryby GregoryIn Obese Child #36, on the 27th anniversary of his weight loss, Gregory looks back on the reasons he was an emotional…
- ArticlesConfessions PodcastThe Awakened Man
#35/#99: The Link Between Childhood Trauma And Obesity
by Gregoryby GregoryIn this episode, Gregory discusses the links between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) and adult obesity. He also gives insight into his personal…
In Obese Child #34 Gregory ponders on his current weight gain, the flashbacks in which it triggers, and contemplates if the possible…