Sweet Potato Toast with Goat Cheese

by Gregory
Sweet Potato Toast With Goat Cheese

The last decade or so has brought the “use vegetables as bread” paradigm.  It makes sense given how many foodies want to avoid wheat and its pesky protein, gluten.  So now we use cauliflower as rice, pasta, mashed potatoes, bread crust, and more.  Second on this list would be sweet potatoes.  So let’s talk about Sweet Potato Toast With Goat Cheese.

Why do we need a Sweet Potato Toast With Goat Cheese recipe?  Because it tastes amazing, of course, but that statement is patent and cogent.  The main reason is the avoidance of toast.  So what is wrong with toast?

Like many recipes on Naturopathic Earth, this Sweet Potato Toast With Goat Cheese recipe exists because we are endeavoring to replace wheat with something more nutrient-dense and less hypoallergenic.  In this case, it is the flour found in bread.  As stated, flour has the protein gluten.

What is wrong with gluten?  Well, if you Celiac Disease, gluten can debilitate your health and possibly kill you.  It’s an auto-immune disorder in which the body attacks the small bowl when gluten is ingested. Now Celiac is pretty rare, but gluten sensitivity is not.  Some estimates show that AT LEAST 50% of Americans suffer from it.

How do you know if you have gluten sensitivity?  If you have flatulence, bloating, joint pain, diarrhea, weight gain, and “brain fog” than you might.  You could be allergic to gluten (or another food item).  Best thing to do is try an Elimination Diet (click HERE to learn more).  If you figure out that gluten is the problem, than it would behoove you to avoid it

Best you must be saying “Gregory, a life without bread, pasta, baked goods, crackers, and alike is not worth living.”  I hear you, but luckily there are substitutes out there that help.  Sure, you could buy “gluten free” baked goods, bread, crackers, and alike but they don’t taste good and they are normally loaded with sugar and preservatives.  The best alternative is try Paleo-inspired alternatives like this Sweet Potato Toast With Goat Cheese recipe.

Obviously, we are using sweet potatoes as a form of toast.  We love sweet potatoes on Naturopathic Earth.  We have sweet potato nachos and other things.  Click on pics below to see recipes.  We also love cauliflower recipes as well.  Click on those pics below as well.

Sweet Potato Toast With Goat Cheese

Sweet potatoes are a much more nutrient-dense alternative to flour. Flour has very little nutrients and absolutely no fiber, unless you are buying 10 grain varieties.  Flour is grounded up or milled wheat.  With the sweet potatoes, you are using the entire potato so you will be getting all the fiber.  Plus sweet potatoes have loads of Vitamin A and beta carotene.

Now sweet potatoes do have a decent amount of carbohydrates, but to be fair, compared to processed, milled inflammatory wheat flour, it is better to opt for the whole food Paleo-approved sweet potato. (If you like cooking with non-wheat flour, check out The Review of non-Wheat Flours to see which scores best.)

Let’s talk about the goat cheese in this Sweet Potato Toast With Goat Cheese recipe.  Indubitably, goat cheese is my favorite cheese.  I am Mexican-American by the way, so I try to stay close to my Raza roots by eating a fair amount of goat cheese. (If you didn’t know, goat cheese is very popular in Latin American.”  I simply love the texture and taste.  Plus goat products are low in lactose, the most common allergen found in dairy products.

On your Sweet Potato Toast With Goat Cheese recipe you can top it with what you like.  I went with olives, tomatoes, tomatoes, cilantro, and lime.  You can certainly throw on there some avocado slices and some balsamic vinaigrette.  Play around with various vegetables to find the palate sweet spot.   

Note, we use avocado oil.  Avocado oil, along with coconut and olive, are the ideal oils for dipping and low-heat preparing your food.  Grass-fed butter and ghee (clarified butter) are great as well and should be used for high-heat cooking.  Avocado oil is slightly more expensive than olive but is definitely worth the purchase. 

Buy this avocado oil on Amazon right now!

Sweet Potato Toast With Goat Cheese

Sweet Potato Toast With Goat Cheese

Serves: 2 Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )


  • 2 sweet potatoes, sliced into 1/4-inch thick rounds
  • 1 tomato, sliced
  • 1 lime, cut
  • 1/2 cup goat cheese
  • 1/2 cup olives
  • 1/2 cup cilantro
  • 1/2 tablespoon
  • sea salt and pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheet with foil/parchment paper.

In a medium bowl, toss together the sweet potato rounds and avocado oil until fully coated. Place on an even layer on baking sheet.  Baker for 25-30 minutes, flipping once halfway through the baking time.  Cool for 15 minutes.

On each sweet potato toast, spread an even layer of goat cheese.  Sprinkle the cut tomatoes, olives, cilantro, and lime.  Enjoy!


Add sliced avocadoes if you like.

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