The Perfectly Paleo, Keto Asparagus Soup With Garlic

by Gregory

With the cold months approaching, it makes sense that we gravitate toward two things: warm meals and items that combat pesky opportunistic pathogens.  Warm meals, like soups, naturally heat the body as it slithers down your throat, esophagus and stomach.  While a myriad of soups will likely tickle your tongue this winter, this Paleo, Keto Asparagus Soup would work the best.

One of the reasons why it is great to ingest this soup in the cold is due to its high garlic content.  You might be asking “Why do I need to eat more garlic in the winter months?”  Well, in the cold months the respiratory ailments, like the flu & the common cold, ratchet up.  We are producing less Vitamin D, since we are no longer in the sun as much,  as well as our nasal cavities are drying out making it easier for opportunistic “bugs” to get into our bodies.

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God’s natural antibiotic.

Well, if a pesky bacteria, like Strep or Staph, finds their way into you, do not fret if eating this Paleo, Keto Asparagus Soup with garlic. Garlic is a natural antibiotic.  It has been known for millennia that garlic is a potent antimicrobial.  Keep eating more of this soup to naturally biohack your immune system.   Buy these other forms of garlic on Amazon which will boost your health if you start feeling sick.

For more info, check out this great article on the Benefits of Garlic.

Paleo, Keto Asparagus Soup

So we should be eating lots of this Paleo, Keto Asparagus Soup.  Not only because it warms the bowels and because it boasts a strong anti-bacterial agent in garlic.  But there are other reasons.  The asparagus is one of the most phytonutrient vegetables on the planet.  (In other words, it is super-nutrient-dense.). Also it contains loads of fiber, great for digestive health and weight maintenance.

Check out this article on the most Anti-inflammatory High-ORAC spices.

Should you juice asparagus?  Read this article to see which vegetables are best to juice.

What else?  It is super ketogenic.  The full-fat coconut milk and the olive/avocado oil brings much needed beneficial fats.  Try to find ways to incorporate avocado oil into your diet.  It is an amazing oil for your diet and health.  Since it loaded with fats these oils will bring satiety as well (i.e. it will fill you up).  They will also bring a great creaminess to this Paleo, Keto Asparagus Soup.

If you like you can add a meat to the soup, like meatballs or organic ground meat.

The Perfectly Paleo Asparagus Soup

Serves: 4 Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )


  • 2 lb asparagus, trimmed
  • 8 cloves garlic, peeled & mashed
  • 2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil
  • 2 Tablespoons chia seeds
  • 3 cups MSG-free chicken broth
  • 1 cup canned, full-fat coconut milk (preferably BPA-Free)
  • 1 chopped green onion
  • Sea salt & black pepper for seasoning.


Preheat the oven to 400 degree. Line baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil.

Place the asparagus & garlic on sheet.  Drizzle with oil and toss to coat.  Roast the items for about 15 minutes (or until the asparagus is tender.

Blend the asparagus & garlic with the chicken broth. (Take your time. You may have to do it slowly to get the consistency you need.) Blend until smooth.

Transfer to pot and heat on medium heat.  Add the coconut milk and warm the soup.

Garnish with chia seeds and chopped green onions.  Season with salt and pepper.

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