Embrace The Cherry Banana Smoothies!

by Gregory
cherry banana smoothies

This is way before your time but perhaps if you have been to a throwback diner, you might be able to relate to my nostalgia. When I think of Cherry Banana Smoothies I think of the 1950s.  I think of drugstore pharmacies that had little diners in them that served burgers and shakes. The kids would listen to Buddy Holly or Fats Domino.  Imagine the diner from Back to The Future.  That is the ideal home for a cherry banana concoction.  Back then it would have been a shake, but now in a more health-consicous world it would be a smooth.  Though anecdotally few were obese back then and now 70% of Americans are.

Either way Cherry Banana Smoothies are divine.  And this is a lot for me to promulgate to the world, for I proclaim utmost fidelity to Blueberry Banana Smoothies.  We have a recipe for it here at NPE (click on caption below) and it is my go-to of all smoothies. Just ask my brood. 

Best Blueberry Banana Smoothie
Click Here to Try Our Blueberry Banana Smoothie recipe!

We also have a more dessert-esque Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter smoothie.  That one is actually more nutrient-dense and keto, believe it or not, than the Blueberry and Cherry Banana Smoothies given the large amount of polyphenols and phytonutrients found in cacao and nut butters. 

Either way, I experiment often with smoothies. I find strawberry and blackberry ones to be too tart; Orange-based one come out to sour; sole banana ones to bland.  Hey you can’t be complacent in live.  You must always strive to achieve better.

Cherry Banana Smoothies

So let’s look at this Cherry Banana Smoothie recipe.  The liquid of choice is coconut milk.  Now for all of you who adore almond milk I will tell you that the average half gallon of almond milk only has 10-15 almonds in it.  It’s a total sham!  So opt for the more fat-dense unflavored coconut milk (unless you make homemade almond milk).  Choose the unflavored variety to reduce sugar, for the sweetness that the other ingredients bring make the flavored varieties of “milk” superfluous. Check out our Review of non-Dairy “Milks.”

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Click HERE to check our Dark Chocolate Almond Butter Smoothie recipe!

We throw in Greek yogurt in this Cherry Banana Smoothies recipes.  Why?  For a few reasons.  First of all, it brings in the probiotic bacteria that is needed for great gut health.  Secondly, it makes the smoothie frothier and luscious.  Opt for unflavored full-fat variety.  Check out our Review of popular Greek Yogurt brands.

Let’s look at the fruits & veggies.  Along with berries, cherries are one of the most nutrient-dense yet low glycemic fruits on the planet.  Click HERE to see an article on high nutrition, low-glycemic fruits.  Cherries also boast a great sweet taste.  The issue with them is they do carry a high-pesticide load per the EWG and their “Dirty Dozen” list.  Also they tend to be expensive. Opt for frozen cherries.

The banana is crucial as well.  Opt for a unripen banana for the offer prebiotic and resistant-starch qualities. (Click HERE to learn more about prebiotics.)  Also unripen bananas have a ¼ of the sugar than ripened ones.  Bananas also help to make the smoothie frothier.

Throw in a handful of a cruciferous veggie.  Kale and Spinach would be the ideal choice.  They are vegetables par excellence.  One of the most supernutrient foods on the planet.  The good news is that cruciferous veggies don’t bring a taste to your smoothies…but they bring a wallop of fiber and nutrition.

Healthier, Juices or Smoothies
Click HERE to try our Tangy Tropical Turmeric Green Smoothie.

Other miscellaneous items in this Cherry Banana Smoothies recipe.  Chia seeds, a perennial favorite here at NPE, is thrown in for its fat and fiber.  Cinnamon, one of the Top 3 spices of all time, is tossed in there to bring natural sweetness as well as for its antimicrobial, brain cognition, and heart health qualities. 

Other things you can throw in this smoothie?  Left over fruits like pineapple or melon.  Some avocado will bring fat and fiber and superfood qualities to it, but none of the avocado taste.  The cherries will overpower it. No need to put in honey.  Your Cherry Banana Smoothies recipe will be plenty sweet.

The beauty of this Cherry Banana Smoothies recipe is that it is so loaded with healthy fat and fiber it is practically a meal replacement.  The issue with smoothies of the Naked variety as well as Jamba Juice and Smoothie King is that they are all carbs and sugar yet little fat.  They don’t satisfy your hunger pangs, for you will be hungry in an hour or so.  Not with NPE smoothies. 

Recipe brings loads of nutrition and taste.  It is amazing.  You will be as ecstatic as when Marty McFly knocks out Biff and kisses Lorraine at the end of Back to the Future. (C’mon, you knew I would find a way to bring that back full circle.)

cherry banana smoothies

Cherry Banana Smoothie

Serves: 2 Prep Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )


  • 1 Cup Coconut Milk, unflavored
  • 1 Cup blueberries, frozen
  • 1 Cup cherries, frozen
  • 1 unripen banana
  • 2 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 2 teaspoon cinnamon, grounded
  • Handful of spinach or kale


Place all ingredients in a blender.  Blend.  Serve quickly.

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